Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Do you have a hobby? Does it generate income? It may have tax implications.

We all have certain hobbies. Some we lose money and some we make money. Some are for fun and some are not. If you're consistently earning a profit from you're hobby, then there may be certain tax implications. The question is: is it a hobby or a business? Here's several questions to determine:
1. Is there an intent to make a profit? or it it just for fun?
2. Are you expecting income from your hobby?
3. Do you consistently make a profit from your "hobby"?
4. Have you re-structured your "hobby" to increase profitability?

There are different tax consequences if your hobby is actually a hobby or if your hobby qualifies as a business.

source: http://www.irs.gov/newsroom/article/0,,id=172833,00.html

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