Thursday, July 2, 2009

US economy reported 467,000 jobs cut in June, which brings the unemployment to a 26 yr high at 9.5%

US economy reported 467,000 jobs cut in June, which brings the unemployment to a 26 yr high at 9.5%. Last month's unemployment numbers were 322,000 which was supposedly good news at the time, since economists suspected that the rapid deceleration was slowing down. However, the 467,000 job cut in June was unexpected and brought more uncertanties to the market.

미국 경제 뉴스에서는 올해 6월에만 467,000명이 직장을 잃었다고 밝혔다. 그 숫자는 26년동안에 9.5%라는의 최고의 실업율을 보여주었고 경제학자들은 5월에만 발생한 실직자가 322,000명으로 이전보다는 실업율이 천천히 내려가 희망적이라고 추측하였으나 그 추측과는 달리 6월 한달동안에만 467,000명이 직장을 잃은사실은 예상과는 달리 더 불확실한 경제상황임을 말해주고있다.

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